Aphonopelma sp dragoons
Experience: Beginner
Growth Rate: Slow
Type: Terrestrial/fossorial
Venom: mild
Urticating Hairs: yes
Adult Size: DLS 2"+
Expected Life Span: Species not Readily studied and minimal information available
Temperature: 78°F - 82°F is ideal for the Summer months. During cooler months a range of 70°F - 75°F.
Humidity: 70-80% with adequate ventilation.
Natural Origins: Arizona USA
Habitat: A recommended adult Enclosure size of 12x12x20 deep as this species loves to burrow. A drainage layer of clay balls or small gravel is beneficial in getting the substrate saturated but not leaving it a watery mush, adding a layer of mesh screen keeps the substrate and drainage level separated, and finally a layer of a good substrate on top. It's recommended to have a water dish, multiple hides, and plenty of substrate for the T to burrow in if they desire to do so even though they You can also add in a few clumps of moist sphagnum moss to keep the humidity higher, wetting them down once a week. For a bioactive tank, you can add Springtails, and even live plants that help keep the humidity up and add to the enclosure aesthetic.
Substrate: A Peat moss and coco fiber mixture with added clumps of sphagnum moss and some vermiculite help keep humidity stay up. 5-7" of Substrate should suffice but more wouldn't hurt.
Sling (1/4"-1")
1 Sm. cricket, or 1 Sm. Dubia 1-2x a week.
1-2 medium crickets or 1 Md. Dubia every 7-10 days
1 medium dubia roach every other week or 2 to 3 lg crickets every 2 weeks or so
As an Adult, you can mix up the diet with Red Runner Roaches, Mealworms, and even Horned Worms as a rare treat as they are more fatty than nutritional.
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